
Monday, April 30, 2012

India, The Beginning

Welcome To India, New Delhi March 26,27,28 2012

As I ride the escalator up from the metro station to the street, it feels like life is moving in slow motion. I'm tired from the flight, there are few people in the metro for some reason, and I haven't really seen the light of day yet. I'm in no rush, just walking through another new place on another afternoon. Then the metaphorical alarm clock rings, daylight burns my eyes, and India fully inundates my senses. To say it was sensory overload would have been a gross understatement. It is as if someone started screaming in my ears, put a kaleidescope to my eyes, put smelling salts up to my nose, through dirt in my mouth, and put me in a sauna; all at the same time.

There are people everywhere, hundreds of yellow and green rickshaws zooming about, and a massive train station in front of me. The weather can only be described as smokey, dusty, and hot as hell. My first order of business is to find a guest-house. I know the backpacker area is past the train station and down the main bazaar road. My first obstacle is the train station. Do I go through it, around it, over it? 

I decide to go through the main gate with the masses of others. A security checkpoint welcomes all those who wish to pass through. I join the sea of people pushing through the entrance. The guy with the wand waves it over me and points to my pocket, out of which I produce a cell phone. I pass through. I find that there are stairs up and over the tracks, so I take them hoping that the other side of the station is at the end. I pass by people sleeping on newspaper, eating with their families, and carrying all kind of packages big and small. I see guys holding hands, people talking on cell phones, beggars. My intuition turns out to be correct and I get to the other side of the station and out onto the main bazaar. The bazaar is the Indian version of a market. You can buy almost anything and it's a frantic place.

The first hotel I get to is nice but too expensive. Of course the guy recommends another place close, so I play along and follow the guy down a small alley which smells like urine. We pass an internet shop, a couple hotels, and a restaurant; all in this small alley. The rooms at the new place are still too high so I tell them thanks and look around on my own again. Locals get commissions for taking tourists to certain places, which I am quite aware of. Not falling for that! I eventually find another place close for a good price and call it my home. I take a nap.

After waking up I venture out into the bazaar again to do some exploring and find something to eat. Along with the usual motorbikes and rickshaws I am used to in Asia, cows are a new addition to the street characters; cows. Now, I'm not sure why there are cows walking down crowded city streets, but there are. It boggles the mind.

Now I've had the “wow, THIS place exists!” feeling quite a few times now in my journeys, but India takes the cake so far.

The next morning I set off to go exploring the rest of the city. I head back to the metro and hop on.  I wander around the main cultural museum for a couple hours and learn all sorts of India-related trivia.  Then I head off to Hanuman's tomb, a famous Hindu temple often called the "mini Taj".  It is thought that this temple was the design precursor to the Taj Mahal in Agra which I will visit in a week or so.  The last place I decide to visit is a Muslim mosque.  This is where the fun begins.

I ask a local water vendor whom I just bought I water where the temple is.  He points behind him down a small street packed with cows, people, and other street vendors.  He tells me this is the shortcut, I thank him.  Looking ahead, I take a deep breath and start walking.  I realize that this street leads me into a maze of small alleys and streets.  There are small shops on both sides of the street and I'm immediately disoriented.  There are meat shops with dead lambs strung up, jewelry shops, shops which I have no idea what they sell.  People stare at me as I pass, but I'm used to it at this point in my travels.  When you go to someone else's country/home you're the weird one, not them.  It doesn't really phase me anymore.  I mostly respond with a "Namaste!" (Hello/Goodby) and a wave.

I'm half lost and half simply exploring at this point.  I pass a little park, which has been recommissioned as a goat hangout.  People with Muslim hats on and white robes pass me here and there, so I know I must be close to this mosque.  There are old people sleeping on the side streets.  Children run about playing games, older folks sit on the streets resting.  Everything is out in the open.  It's a truly bizarre place.  I ask a shop owner where the mosque is located.  He responds in a thick, Hindi-accented English something about "following the flowers".  I'm not immediately sure what this means, but give the obligatory thank you and head off.  I ask another shop owner where the mosque is located and get jumble of "go straight, then veer right, take your first left, then your next sharp right and then it there"  Ok, not helpful.  As I walk onward,  I notice a couple vendors selling red flowers.  Then I see a couple more, and the advice to "follow the flowers" makes sense.  I follow maybe 12 of these vendors and arrive at the mosque.

"follow the flowers"
I realize that no one has shoes on and, at about the same time, someone else notices as well.  They point to my shoes and say something in Hindi.  I take my shoes off and walk around with them for a couple minutes until someone tells me to put them in a bin with some others.  They guy offers to watch them for me.  I'm not even inside the temple at this point.

There are people singing and playing instruments, I try to be a fly on the wall and watch.  It doesn't work though.  A couple younger guys see me and want to take a picture with me.  I oblige and start talking to them.  They are from India but are traveling around as well.  They're not Muslim, they explain.  After awhile we both decide to leave.  They offer to give me a ride to the metro station so I think "hmmm, sure, why not?  I've never been to India before and I've only  known you for guys for about an hour.  Hopefully you won't take me to my demise."  What comes out is: "Sure, that would be great! Thanks!"  I get in and we make a couple stops before the metro station.  First we get a mango juice at tone of the street side stalls and stand around for a bit talking.  Then we hop in the car and drive to another street side stall to get some Bindi's (I wasn't sure what this was either).  It turns out that they are Indian cigarettes.  My new friends buy 3 from the guy and we smoke them by the side of the street.  I don't normally smoke but I'm not going to turn down a cultural experience.  We continue driving and they explain what some of the things are as we pass.  In the end they drop me off at the station and bid me farewell and tell me to call them if I need anything in India.  Cool people.       

A Camel Safari, Jaisalmer March 29,30,31, 1, 2, 3 2012

I hear that riding the trains in India is an experience in and of itself so I book my first train to Jaisalmer; one of the furthest cities west in India and about as close to Pakistan as I want to get on this trip. I book a 'sleeper' ticket on the train which basically grants me my own padded bench and a window for the next 17 hours. I want the real train experience in India, and this is it. The journey begins at the train station itself which was a chaotic mixture of people, trains, platforms, dust, garbage, people, and more people. My first order of business was to find the platform my train arrives in. After a bit of walking and thinking I come to the conclusion that there must be a main board which lists all the trains and their corresponding platforms. Sure enough I find it, realize immediately that it is written in Hindi, and relax again when I find my train number: Platform 10 it is!

I get to Platform 10 and there are two trains on it (going opposite directions). The board above the trains doesn't have my train number on it, but some other train number. Well isn't this a nice little puzzle. Luckily I left myself plenty of tie to figure it out. I pass by someone who looks like they might work for the station and they inform me that the train to Jaislamer is that one <pointing to the train next to me>. I decide a second opinion is always a good idea, and again the second person tells me the train is going to Jaislamer...still no change of the board. I pass by a couple of European girls who are even more confused than me at this point. I look at their ticket and find that it is the same number as mine so I relay the “this is the train to Jaislamer” information. Their ticket doesn't have any seat number though which is unfortunate. Good luck!

I find my train car and seat, hop on, and call the puzzle solved. The horn blows a couple times and then the train lurches to Jaisalmer I hope. I open the window to let some nice hot breeze flow into my face and look out to see some interesting sights. I see kids playing a game of cricket, families sitting outside their small shantys next to the train tracks, cows and dogs rummaging for food next to the tracks, a guy going to the bathroom, a couple of garbage fires burning slowly. The train then grinds to a halt as more people get in. It moves forward again, then stops, repeat. After the 5th stop the car is nearly full (there are 4 people sitting on my 'seat' including my backppack). I begin to realize that the train is taking people home from New Delhi at the end of the work day. Hopefully, my sleeper seat will again become mine as the people get off later. Inside the train a couple groups of people play cards; some up on the top berths, some next to me on the bottom. I'm petty much used to people staring at me at this point in my journey, but there were a lot of people staring at me on this train! Curiosity, it seems, is a universal feeling.

Slums near train tracks

After the 9-5ers get off the train at various stops along the way out of Delhi, the train gets a bit quieter. A young boy wanders over and sits next to me looking out the window. I greet him with a “Namaste” (Hello in Hindi) and he looks up and says hello. I could tell he wanted to talk but wasn't confident to initiate it. I ask him where he is going and he replies that he is with his parents and they are going on some pilgrimage to a Hindi temple. He asks me where I'm from and we end up talking for about an hour. I show him some pictures in my phone and he is mesmerized zooming in and out. I tell him about all the places in the pictures. At some point another older gentleman sits down on my bench and we talk for awhile. I thought it was the kids father, but then I realize it isn't when he gets off the train. He gives me his email address and tells me to email him with any questions. Nice people.

People constantly hop on and off the train late into the night: People selling food and drinks do the same. At some point in the evening I fall asleep or at least 90% asleep. Luckily Jaisalmer is the last stop so I don't have to look out for my stop (which would have been crazy because there are no signs at any of the stops). In the morning I wake myself up and look out the window. We are now in the desert. I'm covered in a thin layer of dust from the open window. My hair feels like one giant dreadlock.

With the train ride behind me, I get off and look ahead at the mass of rickshaw drivers vying for everyones attention. The first one who approaches asks for 30 for a hide to the hotel, another comes up and says 20, then 10, then free if I go look at his place first. I say what the hell and get on the back of his motorbike and head off to his guest house. We ride for a couple minutes and this giant dessert fort rises into view. I'm staying inside.

Desert Fort
Inside fort

I book a Desert Camel safari because it sounds far cooler than anything else going on in town. I decide on 3 day and 2 night in the desert. The first two days I'm with a couple girls from England, the last it's only me and the guide. We take a jeep out to a remote part of the desert to meet our camels and guide Rhaman. The driver puts on some local music and we ride for about an hour; no doors. Upon arrival we are greeted by Rhaman and our new rides: the camels. We hop one and head off into the desert. Around midday we find a tree to sit under and Rhaman makes lunch with a couple pots, a fire, and some vegetables. The Chai tea is nice. We relax and talk while laying on a couple blankets. After the hot midday sun has subsided, we get back on the camels and head off to some big sand dunes where we will sleep. We arrive, release the camels, and make some dinner; chapatti (flat bread), some kind of vegetarian curry, rice, and more chai tea. The sunset over the dunes was incredible, probably the best I've ever seen and I've seen quite a few. To top it off, a massive flock of some kind of large bird passes overhead. It was like something out of the Planet Earth series on the discovery channel. Never seem anything like it. The birds were big and there were hundreds of them circling our camp and looking for a nice spot to land creating a cacophony of bird calls.

Sunset in the desert

Camels drinking water
Camp at sunset
While laying down looking up at the stars, we have some interesting astronomy and meaning of life conversations, We decide that the sky doesn't even look real. The stars and moon looked so close to us on the dunes. We slowly fade into sleep, but before this we decide to wake up early climb to the top of the dunes and watch the sunrise. In the morning, the first thing everyone says is “did you wake up in the middle of the night and see the stars!!!” The sky is crystal clear the middle of the night and you could see everything; every single star visible in the night sky...a rare experience these days. The sunrise is delightful from our vantage point at the top of the dunes.

The next day the jeep picks up the girls and me an Rhaman continue on for another day and night. He asks me if I want to camp on a dune or in his small village. I think the village is the right choice, so he agrees to take me to his village and stay the night. We ride for hours in the desert heat. I wish I had a turban like Rhaman to block some of the sun.

We arrive at the village to a bunch of curious children. We are going to stay in the schoolyard under the stars. Rhaman asks if I want to try some 'desert whiskey'. I start to think about it but “absolutely I do” is the only thing that comes out of my mouth. He tells me the villagers make it by mixing sugarcane, spices, and water. They bury it under the sand and wait for it to ferment, then filter it. When in Rome.

I meet a bunch of guys in the town who have just returned from a wedding so everyone's in a festive mood.  I joke around with some guys in the town.  We understand probably 65% of what each other is saying, but laughing is a universal language so everyone seems to be having fun.  One of the guys starts THE conversation which I don't really want to have:

What do you think of Bush?  I don't agree with everything Bush did.  
What do you think of Obama?  I think Obama is doing a pretty good job.  He could do better.   
What do you think of Saddam Hussein?  I don't know, I've never met him.  What do you think? I like him.

I try to end it quickly because I know where it's going.  It's one of those lose-lose conversations.  If I tell him what I really think, the conversation goes to a bad place.  If I just lie and tell  him what he wants to hear, well, whats the point.  We move onto joking about donkeys instead and drink some Chai tea that a nice woman brings over to us.  It starts to get late so we retire back to the school yard.  Again, the stars are incredible, and at some point I wake up in the night and see the nearly full moon setting over the horizon.  Nice.

In the morning we hang out in the village and take the camels out to another sand dune about an hour away.  We pass by these trees with red flowers which look cool.. The camels seem to like eating them.  I pull out my camera and realize that the battery is dead;  The kids in the village thoroughly enjoyed playing with it.  In the late afternoon the jeep comes to pick us up and take us back to Jaisalmer.  Driving back in the jeep, I begin thinking that is one of the highlights of my trip so far.  I also begin thinking that a shower is going to be amazing.  It is.
Girl wearing my glasses

Kid wearing my headlamp
More village kids

Venice Of India, Udaipur April 4,5,6, 2012

I arrive by bus to Udaipur; the Venice of India.  It's a nice city by a big lake surrounded by small mountains.  While walking around one night I hear some music by the lake and decide to investigate.  Upon arrival I find some sort of Hindi festival and procession going on.  There's a couple guys banging on drums, a guy playing a trumpet-looking instrument, and another guy playing some sort of tamberine.  Women in colorful garb are in some kind of congregation and younger girls are dancing around.  This is all happening at something called a ghat; a stone-paved area on the water complete with steps down into the lake for swimming, washing clothes, whatever.  The combination of mesmerizing music, colorful clothing, and the orange glow of the sun setting over the lake and mountains made it a nice little discovery.  It is one of those hidden gems that are abundant in India as long as you get out into the city to find them.  I stay for an hour or so to watch.  Eventually the procession heads out into the street and away from the water.  I don't follow.  It's dinner time and movie night.

Many of the restaurants in the city offer dinner and a movie screening of James Bond: Octopussy.  This movie was filmed in the city so it happens to be quite popular here.  The rooftop restaurant has great views over the lake and city.  I order something called a Thali.  It's the basic India meal found all over India.  It usually consists of chapati, dal, a couple different vegetable curries, and curds.  Curd is one of my new favorites in India.  It's like a semisweet jello-yogurty milk and it is a perfect contrast to the spicy curries.  It all costs about 2 dollars.  A couple people gather around and watch the old James Bond movie after dinner.  It's not very good simply because it's dated, but it's cool to see the sights in the movie.

The next day I decide to walk over to the big palace in town and also to a Hindi Temple.  There are hundreds of palaces and temples in India, and most of them don't disappoint.  These don't either.

Local bus  at the station

Sunset over Udaipur

Hanging out on the Ghat by the lake

Colorfully-dressed women at festival

A Small Town, Bundi April 7,8, 2012

I go to a small town on my way to Agra (Taj Mahal) called Bundi.  It's more of a town and less of a city which is a nice change of pace. The train to Bundi is the shortest one yet at a whopping 5.5 hours and it arrives at 10:30pm at night.

  • I meet the usual curious passengers on the train. I talk to a guy for a couple hours, and he gives me his business card.  I meet another family who offer me some ice cream.  I refuse a couple times and finally give in and learn that you should never refuse anything when someone offers in India.  Later, as I'm talking to some other guy another train going to opposite direction blasts it's horn and blows by at 100mph.  It scares the living crap out of me.  I thought I was a goner!  The other guy laughs and we continue the conversation.    
  • Bundi is the smallest town I have been to so far (other than the villages near Jaisalmer). There are not touts and store owners trying to sell you things.
  • There are pigs in the city; not the farm animal type but the wild boar type.  This is a new addition to the street animals in India.
  • I do some laundry in my room and find out how dirty my clothes really are.  Awesome.
  • I meet some Germans and explore the town with them.  
  • I hike up to an old fort to discover a town on monkeys.  I explore the old fort until the sun goes down.       

A market

The road to the Bundi fort

Monkey village at the Bundi Fort

Vietnam, The Ending

History Abound,  Hue March 5, 6 2012

I spend my time in Hue touring a fair amount of historical sites.

1. Khai Dinh Tomb
2. Tu Duc Tomb
3. Conical hat making and Incense making Village
4. The Citadel
5. Thien Mu Pagoda

I'm not going to give you any history lessons here; just a couple pictures.


Dragon Boats

The American War, South of Hue March 7, 2012

A visit to Vietnam by an American would not be complete without visiting some relevant places from the Vietnam (or American War as they call it here) War.  In order to get out to these places I take a tour by bus.  Our guide is an older gentleman who lived in a small village as the war was going on.

As we ride the bus I take an active interest in learning about what happened.  I sit up front like a good student and ask a lot of questions.  Our guide has a pile of photocopied articles written by Chomsky and other prominent and respected people, mostly from America.  From place to place I read these articles while others make idle conversation.  They paint a pretty grim picture of the justification and reasons why the US went in in the first place.  I'm certainly no expert but it sounded like a huge disaster all the way around from beginning to end.  After walking through some of the terrain, I can't image how people fought a war in it.  It makes sense that the US burned down huge swaths of the forests because in the jungle you can't see 10 feet in front of you.

We rode along highway 1 and highway 9 and saw all of the sights: Dong Ha, the Hien Luong Bridge, Ben Hai River, the tunnels of Vinh Moc, the rockpile, Dakrong Bridge, Ho Chi Minh Trail, and the Khe Sanh base. Our guide tells us stories of hearing bombs and seeing the soldiers when he was a boy.

The tunnels were particularly interesting.  It was like one of those ant colonies you buy as a kid.  There are paths leading in many directions and rooms scattered throughout.  Various bedrooms, meeting rooms, even a hospital room is carved out of the dense clay/dirt.  The tunnels have a couple dozen openings and you couldn't pay me enough money to go down one of those things during a war.  It's pretty claustrophobic and as dark as a cave.

The old army base was also worth a look.  There is a makeshift museum on the site now along with some old US helicopters and a big US airplane.  There were a couple guys selling old dog tags, bullet casings,and other metals which he claimed were found in the area with a metal detector.  I hope they are fakes.  I pick up one of the dog tags 'Timothy Jones', Protestant.  All of tags have simply a name and a religion.  I try to imagine what must have been going on in the 60's.  I can see airplanes flying in and landing on the airstrip.  I can see soldiers walking around carrying guns.  I can see a difficult reality.  Now, there is only a couple older ladies tending to the fields which now occupy the old base.  I see the large US airplane in the background behind them.  Life goes on.        

On the way home we pass by a couple ethnic minority villages (Bru and Van Kieu).  It is good to see the way people live outside the cities.  It's like going back in time.

US Airbase

Entrance to Tunnels

More Ruins, More Pho,  Hoi Ann March 8, 9 2012
Depart at 8:30AM by bus. We travel about 50km from Hoi An to My Son sanctuary. It comprises many Champa temples, in a valley roughly two kilometers wide, surrounded by two mountain ranges. It was the site of religious ceremony of kings of the Champa dynasty, and was also a burial place of Champa royals and national heroes. The My Son temple complex is one of the foremost temple complexes of Hinduism in South East Asia and is the foremost heritage site of this nature in Vietnam. Though the complex has been destroyed over time, we still see many majestic ancient ruins of temples in the area.

Arrive in MY-SON at 9:30AM. Walk around for 2 hours to see the historic and cultural ruins of the 16th century. Then leave My Son for Cau Lau boat station. Take a motorized boat excursion at 12:30 PM to visit Kim Bong carpentry village, 3km west of Hoi An.  Tour finishes at Hoi An dock at 2:30 PM

Hoi Ann from above

Pho on the street

My Son Ruins

My Son Ruins

My Son Ruins

Beaches, Bears, Dogs, and a Couple Ostriches,  Nga Trang March 10, 11 2012
I take an island-hopping tour simply because it sounds over-the -top and ridiculous in the description: It doesn't disappoint. I get on a boat with about 55 Russians, 10 locals, and me. I'll give you some vingets:

-Our first island stop is an deer, ostrich, and dragon fruit farm. You can feed the ostriches and deer for a small fee. I realize that the ostrich is probably the most ridiculous animal in the world. I've never seen one of these things close up, but it seriously looks like some wizard conjured this thing up from a dream and brought it to life. It's got giant eyes, dinosaur legs, its neck is like a goose neck times 10, and it runs around like a vilosoraptor from Jurassic Park.

-They have a racetrack where you can ride an ostrich around. The attraction is the embodiment of torture with a strong animal cruelty vibe going on. Now, I'm no hippie, but this was a little too much for me. The Russians, however, seem to enjoy it thoroughly. The ostriches weren't that much larger than a big human. It would be like me riding a great dane; yes, it's possible but you probably shouldn't do it.

-There was an elephant who would lift you up with its trunk for a picture.

-There was a dog race with the fake rabbit and everything. I'm not sure, but I think people were betting money. It is entertaining for the 10 seconds while it lasted.

-There was an Asian bear and elephant show with Vietnamese techno music playing in the background. They had bears riding bicycles, walking around on two legs like a human, and one even rode a motorbike around the arena.

-There were a hundred monkeys on the island throughout all of this. People would feed them chips and cookies. Some would fight. I don't like monkeys.

Sunrise over the ocean

Pho and Vietnamese coffee, again

Crazy animal

Crazy animal, side view

Deer feeding

The beach

proof I was actually here...

A Breath Of Fresh Air in the Highlands,  Da Lat March 12, 13 2012
I take an organized tour in Da Lat which I have a particular affinity for some reason in Vietnam. I meet an orchid farmer from Auckland, New Zealand, a casino worker from Amsterdam, Netherlands, and a Vietnamese couple who is on their honeymoon. The combination make for an interesting day despite a fairly uninteresting tour. It's a nice place, there's simply not that much to see in the small town. We go to a place called The Valley of Love, which ironically we tour in a refurbished American jeep from the war. The honeymooners seem to enjoy it. There are naked statues, elephants, and other monuments to take pictures around.

In the evening I head down to the market for dinner. I have the one of the best desserts; warm homemade soy milk and some kind of fried donut-type things. I promise myself to figure out how to make soy milk when I return home. I've had it twice now (the first time at the Buddhist temple in Thailand) and it's a tradition worth bringing home.

Da Lat from above

Da Lat from above 

Surfing in the waterfall

Valley of Love

Coolest guy in Da Lat

Mission Impossible,  Saigon March 14 2012

I spend the entire bus ride for Da Lat to Saigon talking to an Italian girl; an astronomer, yoga-expert, kick-boxer.  We get off the bus and find a hostel.  Luckily there is a cheap place within walking distance, so we head over and get a couple beds in the dorm room.  We both only have one night in Saigon (Ho Chi Min City) before heading to Cambodia:  my visa expires, and she has had enough of Vietnam. We must make the best out of our single night out, so we do.

We hit the town by foot with a rough itinerary.  A couple notable observations at the outset:

-There are more motorbikes in this city than anywhere I've ever seen in the world. Traffic is certifiably crazy.  Trying to cross the street is a new skill which must be learned. If you wait for the 'all clear' you'll be waiting for days to cross. The way to do it is to slowly and steadily walk across: too slow and cars and trucks will run you over, too fast and motorbikes don't have enough time to maneuver around you.  The first couple times you do this it's frightening, then it's just business as usual.

- The city looks very modern and cosmopolitan compared to the rest of Vietnam, even Hanoi.  There are modern skyscrapers everywhere.  I learn that the city was bombed to the ground in the war, so it makes sense that all the buildings are new.


We first head past the central park.  There are guys playing 'hacky sack' with these dart looking things and women doing some mix of dance and aerobics to dance music playing from big speakers.  It was bizarre and funny to watch and we wondered if just anyone could walk up and get in on this.  Onward.
We pass by the opera house and a nice looking museum.  We then head to the central market for mission impossible #1: find the elusive Durian fruit and try it.  Neither one of us could find this thing anywhere in out travels so far.  If you are wondering what this thing is here are a couple descriptions:

"A rich custard highly flavoured with almonds gives the best general idea of it, but there are occasional wafts of flavor that call to mind cream-cheese, onion-sauce, sherry-wine, and other incongruous dishes. Then there is a rich glutinous smoothness in the pulp which nothing else possesses, but which adds to its delicacy."

"... its odor is best described as pig-shit, turpentine and onions, garnished with a gym sock. It can be smelled from yards away. Despite its great local popularity, the raw fruit is forbidden from some establishments such as hotels, subways and airports, including public transportation in Southeast Asia."
To our great surprise we find it at the first fruit stall we come across.  We pick out some good looking pieces, the woman weighs them, and hands them over to us with a pair of plastic gloves.  We look at each other with a 'here goes nothing' look and dig in.  My first thought is that they are kind of good, but not something I would eat everyday.  Mission Impossible #1 complete.

We walk over to the river which runs through the city and see lot of boats which offer dinner cruises down the river.  There are all different styles from pirate ship to yacht.  We hang out by the river for awhile.  I look up to the skyline and point to the tallest building in sky and say "Wouldn't it be cool to see the city from up there."  Mission Impossible #2 begins.  I honestly didn't think there was any way in hell we would make it up there, but again, to my surprise, we walk over and pay about 5 dollars to get to the top.  It is some kind of financial building with a helipad jetting out the side.  The views from the top were fantastic.  The city looks like it is littered with Christmas lights...very colorful.  We officially feel like VIPs when we order drinks (mine a beer, hers a coffee) at the bar on the top floor.

City Center
River View

Top of Mission Impossible #2

We split and grab dinner at the market; a hotpot with shrimp and vegetables.  It was a delicious end to night filled with pleasant surprises.         

Monday, April 23, 2012

Vietnam, The Begining

Goodnight Laos, Good Morning Vietnam!, Vientiane, Laos to Hanoi, Vietnam February 25, 26,27 2012

The bus to Vietnam is a killer. It takes somewhere in the ballpark of 25 to 30 hours; by far the longest I've been on a bus so far. I reckon that if my bankroll was more substantial I would just fly, then I dismiss the thought. You can fly a helicopter to the top of Mt. Everest but then what's the point.  Also, I want to save my hard earned cash for something more exciting.

The journey starts in Veng Viang but the bus ride to Vienetiane is pretty uneventful. Most people on the bus have been tubing and partying for the last couple days and everyone attempts to zone out and sleep when the bus starts moving, myself included. In the evening the bus arrives Vientiane where I pick up another bus to Hanoi. I meet couple of Europeans and we chat for awhile. As we make our way to the bus, we realize that we are the only foreigners on the bus. Our seats are all together in the back of the bus. We joke about being discriminated against and how racism is still alive and well. We plot some Rosa Parks style civil disobedience, refusing to sit in the back of the bus. We will not stand for this injustice!

 In the end though, we just slowly fall asleep. I wake up at some point in the middle of the night, and realize the bus is stopped somewhere on the side of the road. This turns out to be a good situation because I have to go to the bathroom. Hopefully, I can find a way to open the bus door and sneak out for a bit.  Sure enough the door is wide open and I hop out into a dense fog.  I'm not sure where we are but assume we are waiting at the border crossing into Vietnam.  It doesn't open until the morning.   I look down the road and see a long line of buses and cars that have queued up.  I do my business and climb back into the bus in a sleepy haze.  Maybe this is a dream.

In the morning people on the bus start to stir and our group makes our way out of the bus and into the immigration office, passport in hand.  There's a mob of people gathered inside around each window.  There's nothing which even remotely resembles a line.  We join the mob at the foreign window pushing their way up.   People push their way in through the crowd with no regard for the others that have been standing waiting.  They act as if it was their god0given right to jump in from of everyone waiting; no one else seems to care.  Odd.  We of course, start to get angry after the 4th or 5th person does this and respond with a liberal use of our elbows.  It doesn't work.  We later find out that if you put a moderate amount of money in the passport (a bribe), push through the crowd, and and deposit your passport at the window you get preferential treatment. These are things you learn.

After a series of other hoops, we get back on the bus and continue on in Vietnam.  We arrive at the bus station at night and are greeted by a couple taxi cabs.  They all have meters which we decide is a nice surprise.  We hop in two cabs and head off to the hostel.   We notice that our meter is rapidly going up like a progressive slot machine in a casino.  And just like being in a casino, we are losing money rapidly.  Our meter is rigged!  We discuss telling he driver to pull over and let us out, but we are in an industrial-looking part of town so we decide against it.  We talk openly in the cab about being ripped off, and the driver almost imperceptibly cracks a smile.  He doesn't speak any more English the rest of the trip.  We arrive at our hostel and pay the driver expecting some change.  He plays dumb and drives away.  It's almost comical at this point and we laugh because it's better than getting angry.  The other cab fared worse.  Thank god I didn't take a plane.  ;)    

 In the hostel we tap our much needed beers together: "To having a good time in Vietnam" Cheers.

The Bay Of Dragons, Halong Bay, February 28,29 2012

 I reckon the best way to experience Halong Bay is to cruise around on a boat for a couple days.  It turns out to be a good decision.  The boat only holds about 15 people so everyone becomes friends quickly.  The bay itself is a series of limestone outcrops.  There are thousands of them jetting out from the bay.  It's quite a sight.
  • I meet a French family on the boat; a husband and wife with three kids, 13, 14, and 17.  They tell me over dinner that the husband has sold his business and they have been traveling the world as a family for about 7 months with 3 more to go.  At first I was astonished that they could make such a decision, but after awhile I think it is amazing.  The husband and wife tell me they want to spend some quality time as a family before the kids grow up ad move away.  If this is their goal, there is no better way to do it than exploring the world together.  It's one long field trip for the kids.  The mother teaches them as time permits so they don't fall too far behind in school.  
  • I meet a couple of Danish guys who want to buy a motorbike and ride it through Vietnam and Cambodia, then sell it at the end.  This will be quite an adventure for them.  There are times when people test your limits of what you though were feasible and possible in the world.  This is one of them for me.  I don't know if they will have the best time or the worst time with this decision, but wither way it will be memorable.  I wish them the best.  They are fun to hang out with on the boat.
  • We take a trip to a local floating village.  At one time they lived on the floating bamboo boat houses and fished for a living.  Now I think the business mostly revolves around renting kayaks to tourists like me.  Either way living on a series of floating bamboo houses should be an interesting life.  Also, most of the houses have dogs and cats.  It must be interesting for them as well.
  • We take a trip to a cave system and wander around for a couple hours.  Our guide points out the various animals and dragons in the cave formations.  Imagination required.
  • I try squid fishing on the boat at night.  It involves a bright light and a line with a lure on the end.  I don't catch anything; I don't even get a bite.  Such is the way with fishing though.        

People in the Hills, Sapa, March 1,2 2012
I take the train north to a small town called Sapa. It's near the border with China. I stay in a train car with three people from Malaysia traveling in Vietnam.  Their English is good and we talk for hours about my trip to Malaysia, their government, life.  They are particularly interested in my stint at the Buddhist monastery in Thailand.  We arrive in the morning to a frigid fog. It's winter time in the hills!

I plan to do some trekking outside the town to visit some small tribal villages outside of town.  I hire a local guide.  Some things to note:
  • The fog rolls into Sapa in the morning and the sun tries desperately to burn it away in the afternoon. There's never a clear winner.  
  • Despite having dirty feet and hands, the people in villages are beautiful in a way I can't describe.  
  • In one village we see a small motorcade of bikes zoom by. There are a bunch of young, drunk guys operating them. On the last bike a girl sits crying. Our guide informs us that they are getting back from the arranged wedding.  Perhaps the girl didn't want to get married at this particular time.
  • Many of the women have babies tied to their backs. None of them ever cry for some reason; I assume any other variety of baby (American, Dutch, take your pick) would not put up with this for long. I hear a rumor that they are drugged, but I cannot verify this.
  • I see a chicken escape it's cage and run for freedom, only to be caught a minute later and taken to the 'back room'.
  • We hike through rice fields, past streams, past goats, pigs, over bridges. Our guide and 6 or 8 friends trek with us to 1) keep us company, and 2) try to sell some of their wears. They are mostly fun to have around. Nice people.
  • There is a mysterious absence of men in the villages. We learn that the men mostly work in the fields which haven't been planted yet. I assume they will awake soon to plant the first rice in the fields.
  • The markets are very raw in Sapa.  Animal parts are simply strung out over the tables in the market and fish are kept alive in large bowls. The markets here are colorful.
  • The Pho here is absolutely great because it is cooler. I eat at the market most of the time.  I realize that all of the ingredients were also purchased at the market; beef included.
  • I see a full pig roasting in the street.

Ho Chi Minh And a Bicycle Ride, March 3,4 2012

Back in Hanoi after the trip to Halong Bay and Sapa, I take a tour of Hanoi and outlying areas.

Water Puppets


awesome hat

Riding bike through rice fields

Rice fields
Boat Ride

Through a cave